Splinter Meeting FutureRadio
Future perspectives for radio astronomy in Germany
Time: Monday September 09, 14:00-15:45
and 16:15-18:00
Room: S26
Convenor(s): M. Kadler (1),
D. Riechers (2)
(1) Universität Würzburg,
(2) Universität Köln
Radio astronomy is in a golden age, with major advances in telescope and detector technology enabling groundbreaking discoveries. Key areas of excitement include direct imaging of black holes and their relativistic jets, studies of radio transients and pulsars, and the search for primordial gravitational wave signatures in the cosmic microwave background. Current and upgraded telescopes such as MeerKAT+, LOFAR2.0, ALMA(WSU), and Effelsberg, future telescopes such as the Square Kilometre Array, and planned instruments such as DSA-2000 and the ngVLA will allow us to study radio phenomena with greatly improved sensitivity, resolution, and frequency coverage.
The development of the radio astronomy infrastructure is also undergoing a major shift, moving beyond telescope and receiver design to the complex challenges of computational and data science, and building a robust data infrastructure. This reorientation is essential to accommodate the immense rates and volumes of data expected from the next generation of instruments, which are expected to produce data on a scale comparable to global Internet traffic, representing a monumental leap in data generation on the one hand, and data analysis and management on the other. This unprecedented growth in astronomical data presents both intellectual and technical challenges that must be skillfully navigated. Several high-profile science cases require near real-time data analysis, further compounding these challenges. Innovative solutions and advanced methodologies are essential to effectively manage, analyze, and interpret this vast research data repository.
In this session, we plan to present key radio astronomy projects for the next decades, covering scientific and technological challenges. In addition to contributed talks, we will emphasize a discussion that can help set priorities for the German community in participating in future radio astronomy initiatives.
Monday September 09, 14:00-15:45
Future perspectives for radio astronomy in Germany (S26)
Monday September 09, 16:15-18:00
Future perspectives for radio astronomy in Germany (S26)
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