
Contributed Talk - Splinter FutureRadio

Monday, 09 September 2024, 15:30   (S26)

The Atacama Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope: AtLAST

Thomas Stanke, The AtLAST cosortium
Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik

AtLAST is a concept for a next generation 50-meter class single-dish astronomical observatory operating at sub-millimeter and millimeter wavelengths, run as a facility telescope by an international partnership and powered by renewable energy. We will give an overview of the main features of the envisaged telescope design and the demands on the instrumentation as derived from an account of the science cases to be addressed with AtLAST, as put forward by the community. We will briefly outline the next steps to take over the coming 4 years within the post-design phase of AtLAST, funded by the EU through a second, 4M EUR infrastructure grant.