
Contributed Talk - Splinter FutureRadio

Monday, 09 September 2024, 15:00   (S26)

Progress in mm-VLBI: imaging black holes and beyond with the GMVA

Eduardo Ros
MPI für Radioastronomie

Recent breakthroughs, such as imaging black hole shadows and the inner jet regions of active galactic nuclei, highlight the potential of high-frequency very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI). Advances in digital back-ends, calibration, imaging methods and multi-band options are revolutionising the field. Frequency phase transfer will improve the sensitivity and positional accuracy of global VLBI at mm-wavelengths, allowing the study of fainter sources and providing new astrometric data. This will allow measurements of opacity and polarised emission in extragalactic jets, and probe magnetic fields near supermassive black holes. In addition, there are synergies between mm-VLBI, high-energy gamma-ray and neutrino interactions in multi-messenger astronomy. I will discuss the current status and plans for the Global mm-VLBI Array, a 3.5 mm wavelength global telescope operated by the MPI für Radioastronomie in Bonn.