
Invited Talk - Splinter FutureRadio

Monday, 09 September 2024, 14:40   (S26)

The ngVLA: German Science Interests and Opportunities at Mid-to-High Frequencies

Matthias Kadler
JMU Würzburg

The Next Generation Very Large Array (ngVLA) is a future major facility in radio astronomy providing unprecedented sensitivity at mid-to-high frequencies between 1.2GHz and 116GHz. Its 263 antenna element array will be spatially distributed across North America to enable both superb low surface brightness recovery and sub-milliarcsecond angular resolution imaging. In terms of scientific capabilities, the ngVLA will be a key complement to facilities targeting lower radio frequencies such as the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) with a wide frequency overlap between both next-generation facilities (1.2GHz to 15GHz). Construction of the ngVLA array is anticipated to start in 2027/28, with early science opportunities in the early 2030s and full science operations around 2037. I will review the current state of the ngVLA project and discuss scientific opportunities for the German community regarding long-baseline leverage and synergies with the SKA-mid.