
Contributed Talk - Splinter EScience

Thursday, 12 September 2024, 17:05   (S13)

Global Dataset Discovery in pyVO

Markus Demleitner
Universität Heidelberg, Astronomisches Rechen-Institut

One of the major promises of the Virtual Observatory was a global search for products of observations: “Give me all infrared spectra of 3C 105, regardless of who stores them”. In the early, simple, and small VO, there was a time when such a thing was feasible, but with the growing number of services and protocols, the old recipe – blindly querying all services of a given type – has become more and more impractical. In this talk, we present a system combining Registry and service operations for streamlined all-VO querying slated to come with pyVO 1.6. We also discuss how data publishers can make that library's and thus its users' lives easier by completing their metadata.