Splinter Meeting EScience

E-Science / E-Infrastructures / Virtual Observatory / Machine Learning

Time: Tuesday September 10, 14:00-16:30 and Thursday September 12, 14:00-15:45 and 16:15-18:00 CEST (UTC+2)

Room: S13

Convenor(s): M. Demleitner [1], K. Polsterer [2], M. Hoeft [3], H. Enke [4]
[1] ARI, [2] H-ITS, [3] TLS, [4] AIP

This splinter meeting is dedicated to standard infrastructures for data dissemination and analysis, with an extra focus on Machine Learning as a particularly data-hungry field with high relevance to essentially all areas of astronomy. We welcome contributions on applying existing and emerging technologies as well as reports from the frontiers of federating information systems to facilitate astronomical research. A focus of one session in splinter meeting will be software sustainability, which always has to balance legacy support and cutting edge development, has to avoid breaking established workflows while enabling new ones. We welcome both talks on best practices and cautionary tales. A key issue we want to cover this year is infrastructure for spectral lines: databases, protocols, and clients, with a view to bring together the various existing infrastructures like VAMDC and the Virtual Observatory. Another obvious topic will address progress on making astronomical data even FAIR-er than it already is. There is the NFDI in Germany with PUNCH, ErUM Data, the formation of the DZA, and there are more astro-infrastructure projects and efforts going on.


Tuesday September 10, 14:00-16:30 E-Science / E-Infrastructures / Virtual Observatory / Machine Learning (S13)

Thursday September 12, 14:00-15:45 E-Science / E-Infrastructures / Virtual Observatory / Machine Learning (S13)

Thursday September 12, 16:15-18:00 E-Science / E-Infrastructures / Virtual Observatory / Machine Learning (S13)

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