
Contributed Talk - Splinter EScience

Thursday, 12 September 2024, 16:40   (S13)

The 4MOST data model approach

Ole Streicher
Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP)

The 4MOST instrument is an upcoming survey instrument, able to simultaneously obtain spectra of ~2400 objects. The broad scope of scientific use cases from 18 major surveys require a flexible way to create, validate, document and distribute science-ready data over the livetime of the instrument. To ease this process, a machine readable data exchange description format was developed. It is accompanied by tools to handle the all use cases for the format. A formal change request process will define the workflow for the evolution of the data models. This talk will present the data format platform and its integration into the data processing and data curation of the 4MOST system.