Splinter Meeting LowMet

Star formation, feedback and chemistry of the low-metallicity ISM

Time: Thursday September 12, 16:15-18:00 and Friday September 13, 14:00-15:45 and 16:15-18:00 CEST (UTC+2)

Room: S23

Convenor(s): Thomas Bisbas (1), Vittoria Brugaletta (2)
1) Zhejiang Laboratory (China), 2) University of Cologne (Germany)

The interplay between stellar evolution and feedback offers valuable insights into the evolution and structure of metal-poor gas, prevalent in the outer regions of the Milky Way as well as in numerous local and distant galaxies. Low–metallicity environments experience reduced cooling processes as well as a different stellar feedback from massive stars, compared to metal-rich environments. Moreover, most studies focusing on the low-metallicity ISM assume a linear scaling to all elemental abundances and the gas-to-dust ratio. However, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen are enriched differentially due to stellar nucleosynthesis combined with the stellar life cycle. Observations indicate subsolar C/O ratios in various types of galaxies including starbursts, high-redshift galaxies, and low-metallicity dwarfs. This α-enhanced ISM plays an important role in the star-formation process, the initial mass function, the chemistry of the gas and consequently the cooling line emission. In this splinter session, we will discuss and connect the recent developments and observations in all these areas, to acquire a better understanding of the relevant processes that regulate metal-poor environments. Topics include: -- Galactic chemical evolution models, abundances, gas-to-dust ratios. -- Photodissociation regions and synthetic observations in low-metallicity gas. -- Star formation, evolution and feedback at low metallicities.


Thursday September 12, 16:15-18:00 Star formation, feedback and chemistry of the low-metallicity ISM (S23)

16:15  Marco Palla:
Galactic Chemical Evolution and Dust at Different Metallicities: An Intricate Puzzle

16:45  Dario Colombo:
The Outer Galaxy High-Resolution Survey (OGHReS): observing the molecular gas at low-metallicity in the Milky Way

17:05  Katharina Jurk:
JWST IFU observations of a massive YSO in the LMC

17:25  Vittoria Brugaletta:
The regulation of star formation by the variable far-UV radiation and cosmic-ray ionization rate in low-metallicity environments

17:45  Discussion

Friday September 13, 14:00-15:45 Star formation, feedback and chemistry of the low-metallicity ISM (S23)

14:00  Dorottya Szécsi:
Massive stars in low-metallicity environments: a closer look

14:30  Elisa Schösser:
Metal-poor massive OB stars in the Magellanic Bridge

14:50  Eleonore Dann:
ALMAGAL in the Outer Galaxy: High-Mass Star Formation at Sub-Solar Metallicity

15:10  Thomas G. Bisbas:
The carbon cycle in α-enhanced ISM conditions

15:30  Discussion

Friday September 13, 16:15-18:00 Star formation, feedback and chemistry of the low-metallicity ISM (S23)

16:15  Piyush Sharda:
Physics of the chemistry-dependent IMF in low metallicity environments

16:45  Masato Kobayashi:
The critical metallicity in the formation of magnetized molecular clouds driven by atomic colliding flows

17:05  Roya Hamedani Golshan:
Accretion Disks or Infalling Envelopes? Insights into High-Mass Star Formation in the LMC

17:25  Nicola Schneider :
First detection of the CII 158 micron line in Draco

17:45  Sanjit Pal:
The impact of variable far-UV radiation field and cosmic-ray ionisation rate on the formation of molecular clouds in low-metallicity environments

17:46  Discussion

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