
Invited Talk - Splinter DwarfGalaxies

Tuesday, 10 September 2024, 14:00   (S24)

Simulations as powerful but challenging tools for understanding dwarf galaxies

Sebastian Trujillo Gomez
Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS)

Numerical simulations are the best approximation to experimental laboratories in astrophysics. In this review talk, I will focus on the importance of simulations for realizing the detailed predictions of cosmological models and for disentangling the complex processes behind the formation of the faintest galaxies. I will begin with a brief history of numerical models and their key role in the development of near-field cosmology, highlighting both their impressive power and their fundamental limitations. I will then discuss state-of-the-art projects and prospects to exploit the deluge of observational data produced by the largest dwarf galaxy surveys. Finally, I will offer my perspective on the key challenges of next-generation simulations: predictive power, interpretability, and statistical inference, as well as potential solutions offered by deep learning.