
Poster - Splinter MassiveStars   (S23)

Massive star formation and cloud evolution - Combination of 3D MHD simulation with protoplanetary disk subgrid model

Anaïs Pauchet, Brika Zimmermann, Stefanie Walch-Gassner
Universität zu Köln, I. Physikalisches Institut

Even in small amount, high mass stars play an important role in modifying the interstellar medium (ISM) due to their strong feedback. Their short lifetime contribute in disrupting their native cloud even before more stars could have been formed and thus play a huge role in the evolution of matter in the galaxy. We investigate the formation of massive stars during the collapse of their native dense core and how they modify its structure and affect further fragmentation. For that, we use the 3D magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD), adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) grid code FLASH, taking into account different types of stellar feedback mechanisms, as radiative feedback of non ionizing and ionizing radiation as well as radiation pressure. Sink particles are modeled to represent stars. We perform a simulation of a collapsing core scenario of a cloud core with a mass of 1000 Msun within a radius of 1 pc. We investigate the fragmentation process and the resulting star formation efficiency (SFE). However, due to numerical limitations of the spatial resolution in the simulations, sink particles might not represent only a single star, which would result in an overestimation of their feedback. From observations we know that the majority of massive stars are formed in binaries or even higher order systems. Therefore, we are investigating a 1D subgrid model allowing sink particles to describe a protostar and its disk. Further fragmentation of the disk is allowed which might lead to binary or multiple order system. This enables us to calculate the masses of stars in sink particles and therefore also their stellar feedback more accurately which will affect the overall evolution of the cloud.