
Contributed Talk - Splinter DustEvol

Friday, 13 September 2024, 14:55   (S12)

Dust destruction of supernova remnants in a turbulent interstellar medium

Tassilo Scheffler, Nina Sartorio, Florian Kirchschlager, Ilse De Looze
Ghent University

Supernova remnants (SNRs) incorporate the perfect conditions for molecules to grow into dust grains. Due to that, SNRs are able to contribute up to a solar mass of dust to the interstellar medium (ISM). However, their energetic forward shock also destroys a large amount of pre-existing ISM dust. Numerical studies estimate its total dust destruction to 0.3 - 70 solar masses, possibly turning SNRs into dust sinks rather than dust sources. In the last decades, the importance of constraining the dust destruction rate of SNR shocks has become even more pressing since other dust sources such as asymptotic giant branch stars alone cannot explain observations of dusty galaxies at high redshift. To realistically study the destroyed interstellar dust mass of forward shocks, we perform 3D magnetohydrodynamic SNR simulations and post-process the dust destruction by the shocks with the state of the art code Paperboats. We especially focus on the inhomogeneous ISM that is driven to match statistical properties observed in the turbulent ISM. By covering a wide parameter space of different dust grain species, turbulence strengths, ISM densities, and magnetic field strengths, we are able to constrain the dust destruction efficiency of the forward shock in the first few thousands of years after supernova explosion, thereby, finding a lower limit on the destroyed ISM dust mass by SNRs, depending on the explosion site.