
Contributed Talk - Splinter GalaxyEvol

Thursday, 12 September 2024, 15:06   (S21)

[CII] Bubbles in FEEDBACK: Towards an evolutionary sequence?

Simon Dannhauer, Nicola Schneider, Robert Simon
1. Physics Institute University of Cologne

The interplay between feedback from massive stars and the (self-)regulation of star formation has been the subject of considerable study in the last decades. The SOFIA legacy project FEEDBACK (Schneider et al. 2020) aims to disentangle the dynamics within regions influenced by feedback from massive stars (radiation and wind), in 11 galactic high-mass star-forming regions, using the 158 micron line of ionized carbon (CII). The observations revealed fast expanding CII shells (e.g. Luisi et al. 2021, Beuther et al. 2022), mostly driven by stellar wind, but also the dispersal of a molecular cloud (Bonne et al. 2023) on a short dynamical time scale. Very recently, the earliest state of a CII-bubble was discovered in a compact HII region in RCW79, in which the bubble is still 'filled' with ionized carbon, and a potential latest evolutionary stage in which only a slowly expanding CII ring remains (the Diamond Ring in Cygnus). In this talk, I will present these results and discuss a possible evolutionary sequence for these expanding bubbles from observations and comparisons with simulations.