
Contributed Talk - Splinter SNR

Tuesday, 10 September 2024, 14:15   (S14)

Supernova Remnants Population in the Large Magellanic Cloud

Federico Zangrandi
Dr. K. Remeis Observatory (FAU)

The supernovae (SNe) explosions expel the stellar interior of the star in the surrounding which enrich the interstellar medium (ISM) with metals. The interaction between the stellar interior and the ISM produce the supernova remnants (SNRs).. Their emission is visible in different wavelength from radio to X-ray. The SNRs can be studied to infer information about the explosion it self and on the property of the surrounding ISM. The SNR are one of the main responsible for injecting energy into the ISM and therefore influence the evolution of the entire galaxy. A complete sample of SNR inside a galaxy is important to understand the chemical enrichment and the energy budget inside such a galaxy. The best laboratory for the study the SNRs population in a galaxy is the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). The LMC is the nearest star-forming galaxy with low absorption along the line of sight. The eROSITA telescopes are the best instrument available to make such a survey thanks to the large field of view and the high sensitivity in the softer part of the X-ray emission. We present the initial results from eROSITA data collected to inspect the SNR population in the LMC in the X-ray band. The complete coverage of the LMC and its surronding provided by eROSITA we investigate the very recent SNR candidate detected in the radio band using ASKAP interferometry, among the other SNR candidates proposed in radio and optical. Furthermore we present the detection of new SNR candidates never observed by other X-ray telescope before. Of particular interest is the increasing population of SNR detected outside of the main body of the galaxy which have been recently followed up by deep observation of XMM-Newton satellite.