
Contributed Talk - Splinter DustEvol

Thursday, 12 September 2024, 14:40   (S12)

Chemical and Dust Evolution at Different Cosmic Times: from the Local Volume to the Epoch of Reionization

Marco Palla
University of Bologna, INAF-OAS

Understanding the evolution of metals and dust in galaxies across cosmic time is a fundamental goal of modern astrophysics. The advent of numerous observational facilities over the last two decades has significantly advanced our knowledge in this area. However, models on galaxy scale still struggle to converge toward a coherent picture about dust evolution. In this talk, I will present predictions from detailed chemical and dust evolution models for both the local spiral galaxy NGC 628 and dusty galaxies at z>6 from the ALMA REBELS survey. I will demonstrate how comparing these diverse objects can provide complementary insights into the main processes regulating the ISM dust budget, i.e. stardust production, dust growth and dust destruction. However, I will also talk about the limitations and degeneracies that persist in models. To this regard, I will discuss the crucial role of JWST metallicity measurements in high-redshift galaxies, especially when combined with robust dust mass estimates from ALMA, in overcoming some of these challenges.