
Invited Talk - Splinter GalaxyEvol

Thursday, 12 September 2024, 16:15   (S21)

Molecular Gas in Nearby Galaxies: Insights from PHANGS-ALMA and DAOISM

Annie Hughes
IRAP, Toulouse

The PHANGS-ALMA project has mapped the CO(2-1) emission at ~100pc scales across the star-forming disk of 90 nearby (d<23Mpc) star-forming main-sequence nearby galaxies. In this contribution, I will highlight recent results about the organisation and physical properties of the molecular gas in different galactic environments within the PHANGS galaxies. I will also discuss some methods that we have been developing within the DAOISM project that leverage highly resolved, multi-line observations of the Galactic Orion-B molecular cloud to assist in the interpretation of cloud-scale measurements of molecular gas properties.