
Contributed Talk - Splinter DustEvol

Friday, 13 September 2024, 14:35   (S12)

Supernova-induced dust destruction and galactic dust evolution

Lars Mattsson, Fred A. Gent, Florian Kirchschlager
Nordita/Stockholm University; Aalto University; Ghent University

Supernovae (SNe) both produce and destroy ISM dust. The rate of destruction rate is difficult to determine, which is due to uncertainties regarding dust properties, but also how well dust grains couple to ISM gas. Previous work on dust processing by SNe in a uniform ISM has predicted fairly high rates of dust destruction. We present simulations of supernova-induced dust processing with realistic ISM dynamics including magnetic field effects and demonstrate how ISM inhomogeneity and magnetic fields inhibit dust destruction. We will further discuss implications for dust depletion in the ISM, dust evolution on galactic scales, and how decoupling between dust and gas plays an important role also in contexts other than SN-induced dust processing.