
Contributed Talk - Splinter SNR

Thursday, 12 September 2024, 15:01   (S14)

Investigation of supernova remnant IC 443 and G189.6+3.3 with LAMOST

Günay Paylı, Baha Dinçel, Ralph Neuhäuser
Astrophysikalisches Institut und Universitäts-Sternwarte Jena

We present the results from a study of the optical emission associated with supernova remnant (SNR) SNR G189.6+3.3 and IC 443 based on the spectra from the Large sky Area Multi-Object fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST). All available spectra for SNR G189.6+3.3 and IC 443 were used. Dominant H α, [Sii] and forbidden lines for SNRs were detected and measured from the low continuum level (S/N< 10) stellar spectra. An average [S ii] λλ6716/6731 ̊A to Hαλ6563 ratio of [S ii]/H α= 0.59±0.02 was found for the northeastern (NE) and eastern (E) regions outside of IC 443, while [Sii]/H α=1.25±0.03 was found within and slightly outside of IC 443. [Sii]/H α ratios as high as 1.33 are also detected outside the bright filaments of IC 443, indicating that true size might be larger. The electron density (Ne) varies between 4 to 1257 cm−3 throughout the whole region, indicating the ionized gas heated by shock. In addition, the shock velocity, the reddening and the interstellar extinction coefficient were calculated and compared with the theoretical values. SNR G189.6+3.3 and IC 443 environments and optical parameters are discussed.