
Contributed Talk - Splinter MassiveStars

Tuesday, 10 September 2024, 16:05   (S23)

Discovery of two pulsating B Runaway stars and a census of pulsations of B runaways

U. Heber1, V. Schaffenroth2, M. Halenke1, A. Bhat3, M. Dorsch3, M. Dimpel1, A. Irrgang1
1:FAUErlangen-Nürnberg: 2, TLS, 3:U.Potsdam

We report the discovery of two young massive B-type run-away stars. A TESS lightcurves show that the cooler one of them to be a SPB pulsator while the hotter one is an beta Cep pulsator. We present a quantitative spectral and kinematic analysis making use of their Gaia parallaxes. We also present a census of pulsation properties of 41 B runaways studied in the same way as the nwe discoveries.