
Poster - Splinter General   (Aula 1&2 / virtual plenum)

The ASPERA SmallSat

R.-J. Dettmar, C. Vargas, E. Hamden, H. Chung and the ASPERA Team
Ruhr University Bochum, University of Arizona

Aspera is a NASA Astrophysics Pioneers SmallSat mission designed to map for the first time the diffuse O VI emission from the warm-hot coronal gas phase in the halos of nearby edge-on galaxies. It is designed to operate in the Far-Ultraviolet region of the spectrum with a narrow spectral bandpass of ∼10 A approximately centred at the rest-frame wavelength of the O VI emission line at 1032 A. With a spectral resolution R ∼ 2300 Aspera can distinguish the O VI emission line from the halos of target galaxies from the Geocoronal emission lines and the emission from the Milky Way halo. The contribution describes the science objectives and gives an overview of the mission.