
Poster - Splinter General   (Aula 1&2 / virtual plenum)

High-resolution spectroscopic study of vinyl cyanide isotopologues for radio astronomy: (13)CH2CHCN AND CH2CH(13)CN

C.P. Endres (1), M.-A. Martin-Drumel (2), O. Pirali (2), L. Bonah (3), J.-C. Guillemin (4), M.R. Bentley (5), Z. Kisiel (6), A. Belloche (7), B.M. Jones (3), P. Schilke (3), S. Schlemmer (3), S. Thorwirth (3)
(1) MPE, Garching, Germany; (2) Université Paris-Saclay, France; (3) Universität zu Köln, Germany; (4) Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes, France; (5) University of Florida, U.S.A.; (6) Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland; (7) MPIfR Bonn, Germany

Vinyl cyanide (C2H3CN, VCN), is a molecule of high spectral complexity and one of the most abundant complex organic molecules found in interstellar clouds. It accounts for many pure rotational lines observed there, both from its ground and vibrationally excited states. Astronomical radio emission of VCN in the ground vibrational state may be so strong that the 13C isotopic species can be observed with ease (e.g., Belloche et al. 2016, A&A 587, A91) and, as a consequence, in warm/hot regions of the interstellar medium, vibrational satellites of these species will very likely also contribute substantially to molecular line emission. While the pure rotational and infrared spectra of parent VCN have been studied quite extensively previously, little is known about vibrationally excited states of the 13C isotopic species. Here, we present recent high-resolution infrared spectra of (13)CH2CHCN and CH2CH(13)CN recorded up to 700 cm-1 at the AILES beamline of the SOLEIL synchroton and give a status report on the analysis performed with the Automated Spectral Assignment Procedure, ASAP (Martin-Drumel et al. 2015, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 315, 72). Complementary 3mm chirped-pulse pure rotational spectra obtained at Saclay were also observed.