
Contributed Talk - Splinter JungeAG

Tuesday, 10 September 2024, 14:18   (S25)

A spectral analysis of hot stars in a search for OB-binaries

Harvey Stemmler

Binary star systems of O- and B-type stars (OB-binaries) are assumed to be precursors of phenomena such as neutron star mergers, X-ray binaries, Gamma-ray bursts or possibly even Wolf-Rayet star. It is therefore relevant to find and identify OB-binaries. The aim of this project is to analyse spectra of OB-binaries from LAMOST. These systems are identified by large radial velocity variations in multi epoch observations in Gaia DR3. Spectra are retrieved from LAMOST DR9 by matching with the list obtained from the Gaia Archive. The spectral data are first continuum-normalized using a cubic-spline fit, shifted with respect to the stars radial velocity and finally examined in search for absorption lines primarily attributed to Helium. Using the wavelength-positions of the observed absorption lines as well as the date of the observation the relative radial velocity of stars with at least three unique spectra can be calculated and analysed. Preliminary results will be presented and discussed.