
Contributed Talk - Splinter Multimessenger

Thursday, 12 September 2024, 17:32   (S25)

Numerical simulations of jet launching and particle acceleration in AGNs

Christian Fromm
JMU Wuerzburg

Active Galactic Nuclei are among the most fascinating objects in the Universe. They launch relativistic jets and accelerate particles to highest energies. According to our current understanding AGNs are powered by the accretion of matter onto rotating supermassive black holes. Despite substantial progress in observational and theoretical studies of AGNs during the past years the detailed mechanism behind the jet launching and the acceleration of particles are still unknown. In order to investigate these open questions we perform 3D GRMHD simulations of accretion onto rotating black holes and jet launching. During the simulations we include self-consistent particle acceleration processes due to turbulence and magnetic reconnection. From the simulations we compute the spectra-polarimetric emission signatures from the radio to the gamma-ray regime. During the talk we will present observable signatures which can help to distinguish possible particle acceleration mechanisms and their locations. Furthermore, we present polarimetric signatures of the jet launching zone showing the frame-dragging effect in the ergosphere of rotating black holes.