
Contributed Talk - Splinter DwarfGalaxies

Monday, 09 September 2024, 17:00   (S24)

Magnetic fields in Starburst Dwarf Galaxies

Dominik Bomans
Ruhr University Bochum, Fakulty of Physics and Astronomy

In order to perform a detailed analysis of first galaxies and thus understand the formation and evolutionary process of galaxies in the very early universe, we need the sensitivity and resolution of the next generation telescopes like E-ELT, and SKA. To overcome this technical barrier now, one can use current instruments on appropriate proxy galaxies at low and intermediate redshifts, like compact, starbursting dwarf galaxies. Using data from the LOFAR 150MHz LoTSS Survey we probed the radio continuum emission in compact, low mass starburst galaxies and derived their magnetic fields (using three different approaches). The analysis of our sample suggests that that magnetic fields may play a mayor role for the evolution of the low mass (proto-)galaxies at high redshift (e.g. for the structure and evolution of their galactic outflows/winds). It also implies that these galaxies main contributors for the magnetization of the intergalactic medium.